Prayer Summit Highlights Video 2012
Prayer Summit Highlights Video 2013
Prayer Summit 2012 General Session Speaker : Dr. John Witvliet
From Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Prayer Summit 2012 General Session Speaker : Dr. Richard Mouw (Former President of Fuller Theological Seminary)
A Story of Tessa : Amazing testmony of God's touch and a miraculous healing as people prayed together for God's intervention.
Interview Clips about Prayer and the Kingdom of God.
Dr. Richard, Mouw, Dr. Dallas Willard, Dr. Michelle Lee, Dr. Willian Dyrness plus more.
Prayer Summit 2012 General Session : Mr. John Booy, Superintendent of Potter's House, Grand Rapids, MI
Prayer Summit 2012 General Session : Dr. Alvin Vandergriend
"Prayer and Gratitude"
An Interview with Dr. Neil Plantinga, Former President of Calvin Seminary. "Prayer and Repentence"
Praying with our Tears : Does God hear us when we pray? Where is God when we feel disapponted at him? How do we pray with our emotions?
An Interview with a retired pastor : Rev. Jack Stulp
Prayer Summit Experience as pastors gathered to pray at a retreat center
A Story of Angel Community Church : A Church that prayers, A Pastor that prays.
Interview Clips with Leading Theologians about "Prayer"
Dr. Dallas Willard, Dr. Dave Crump, Dr. Michelle Lee, Dr. Richard Mouw plus more
Prayer Summit 2013 General Session : Dr. Richard Mouw, Former President of Fuller Theological Seminary.
An Inspiring Story of Destination Church in Ontario, Canada. As a church plant, how GOd works through prayer especially working with people in the inner city of Ontarios, Canada.